California Adventure

In the spirits of show, don't tell - I've decided to chronicle the last two weeks with images. The mission - to fly a cat across the country (which you can read about here and here) and attempt to recalibrate in California. 

I'm aware that this amounts to asking you to sit through my vacation slides... Meh. You're not completely wrong. ENJOY!

It was all kinds of great - family, sun, and the freedom to explore. On most days it was just me with my computer and a cruiser bike. All the sun I got was from strapping my bag to the front basket and taking that bike a little farther every day. 

In my adult life, I've really sucked at taking vacations, meaning I've never really be able to. Be it time, money, or just the inability to disconnect; I've always sucked at relaxing or even knowing how. If I had to guess - I think this was the closest I've ever come to figuring it out.